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> Neither Here Nor There

   by Karen Solly

   20th–23rd March 2025

> Handbuilding Pottery

   ceramics workshop

   on Saturday afternoons

> Creative Writing Workshops

   by local writer Lou Miller

   last Sunday of most months

> Life Drawing

   untutored session

   every Tuesday evening

> event calendar

   save the date!

Welcome to cave, a niche and quirky place in the heart of Pimlico!


The day-to-day running of cave comprises a vintage shop with a workshop, and gallery space.


cave's objectives are to keep the interest around the space exciting with an ever-changing range of things on sale with proposed and spontaneous creative happenings within the space. cave is the space where people want to come to just to see ‘what’s happening there today’.


Connecting with other art spaces, galleries, artists, and institutions, we open up an exchange of ideas to realise the potential of the area and the diverse mix of people in it.

At your service, we are providing a gallery, the art space for independent artists introducing their works to Westminster.

cave is an opportunity to run a workshop, building creative talent exchange.

Our shop offers a unique atmosphere to display your work, replacing the dull, sterile décor of standard retail stores with our quirky charm.


If you would like to be aware of all cave's updates, do subscribe to our newsletters on the contact us page!


We are looking forward to meeting you! 

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