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Auntie Freeze 1

​5th–8th October 2017​

Auntie Freeze is a totally non exclusive, all inclusive FREE Art fair... We will be show casing the work of #65Artists

Evening event: 

Thursday 5th October 6pm–8pm


Auntie Freeze is all about artists! Professional, part timer, insider, outsider, amateurs and everything in between. Auntie Freeze is interested in the process of making, whatever our reasons, position, practise or medium make us feel.


Art is intuitive and the people that make it (us) are fascinating!


All the works will not be censored, Judged or critiqued in the choosing. The call is open with some size rules and a deadline!... All submissions are accepted.

> artist catalogue

> event pictures 

> Auntie Freeze main page

Auntie Freeeze 5.jpg
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