an exhibition of prints
by Thibault De Wolf, David McGrath, Simon Occleshaw, and Jodi Jones
23rd–26th February 2023
'Quartet' comprises four individual artists who met at the Art Academy print studio based in London.
They have combined to present an amazing variety of etchings and linocuts which range from disturbing surreality to zen-like contemplation of nature, using a range of specialist inks and papers.
An initial glance at the show will present Thibaut De Wolf's surreal images alongside the tranquil luminosity of Simon Occleshaw's Japan-inspired landscapes, or Jodi Jones's bucolic abstractions alternating with David McGrath's fluorescent nightscapes. Further inspection however shows an intriguing variety of styles, media and subject-matter within each artist's offer.
Intellectually curious, the show is well-travelled, humane, and reflective - the product of a two-year collaboration.
Thurs–Sat 12pm–6pm
Sun 12pm–5pm